Departed, Assembled, Wrapped, Captured: Time

Artist:: Monali Meher
Discussant: Arshiya Lokhandwala

October 23, 2009 | 6.30 pm
Little Theatre, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai

Based in Amsterdam, Monali Meher is an artist who works with new media: photographs, videos, installations and live performances. The artist will present her works as it has evolved over the years. The discussant for this program is Arshiya Lokhandwala (Curator and director of Lakeeren Gallery, Mumbai) and is organized in association with Project 88, Mumbai.

Employed as a new language of using the body as a tool in front of the public, the immediacy and confrontational aspect of performance shaped her practice vis-a-vis her travels, artist residences and interactions with performance artists like Marina Abramovic, Joan Jonas and Moniek Taebosch. Time, process, site-specificity, personal references, dialogues of matter and memory and evoking the past by enactment/ performance constitute the language of her work. Her performances are atmospheric, sometimes ritualistic and usually contain props and evoke the aspects of decay, hybridization, transformation and renewable identities.

In 2000-01, she received a research residency from the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam and has performed at the Tate Musewn London in 2006. Over the years, Monali Meher has performed and exhibited widely in international group exhibitions and performance festivals in Holland, China, India, among others.